Neck Pain Treatment in New York City, NY

Cervical Myelopathy Treatment

Neck pain is a common issue that many individuals deal with on a daily basis. There are many different causes of neck pain including disc herniation, disc degeneration, stenosis, spondylosis (arthritis), nerve entrapment, or muscle strain. Besides pain occurring at the site of the problem, pain may also be referred into your arms, upper back, head, or face. Your therapist will conduct an evaluation to find the cause of your pain and work with you to design and implement an appropriate treatment plan consisting of soft tissue and joint mobilization, stretching, strengthening, postural re-education and ergonomic education.

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a process where the intervertebral discs lose height and hydration. When this occurs, the discs are unable to fulfill their primary functions of cushioning and providing mobility between the vertebrae. Although the exact cause of the disease is unknown, it is thought to be associated with the aging process during which the intervertebral discs dehydrate, lose elasticity, and collapse. Degenerative disc disease may develop at any level of the spine, but is most common in the cervical and lower lumbar regions.

Your therapist may use a variety of physical modalities to reduce your pain including heat and cold application, traction, spinal manipulations, exercise programs and electrical stimulation, core strengthening, and core stabilization exercises.

Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck. It may result from rear-end or side-impact motor vehicle collisions, but can also occur during sport (diving, snowboarding) and other types of falls or impacts. The impact may result in bony or soft-tissue injuries (whiplash injury), which in turn may lead to a variety of clinical manifestations called Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD). It is advisable to seek treatment early for even mild whiplash symptoms, as it is estimated that about 30-50% of patients who sustain a symptomatic whiplash injury develop chronic pain and potentially more widespread symptoms. Manual therapy can produce meaningful changes in the symptoms of a patient with pain after a whiplash by focusing on improving the impaired physical movements and activities as well as designing a customized plan to increase your range of motion.

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