Performance Therapy

Initial Assessment

During your Initial Assessment, your performance therapist will talk to you about your injury or reason for your visit. Your PT will also conduct an injury risk profile, in which they will consider you as an individual as well as the modifiable extrinsic factors that can minimize your risk of injury and optimize your performance!

We plan with the end in mind.

Your PT will focus on measurements that contribute to determining factors that predispose the athlete to injury and the factors that the athlete can modify through proper holistic planning.

Common measurements taken during a physical therapy examination include:

  • Palpation
  • Range of motion (ROM) measurements
  • General Warning Index
  • Individual Specific Warning Index
  • Movement assessment
  • Athletic Qualities Assessment
  • Neurological screening tests

Individualized Programming

During your initial assessment, your PT will have compiled a list of the major risk factors based upon your risk index and movement profile. This will help develop a plan that will decrease your pain, improve your mobility, restore tissue capacity, and get you back to doing the activities enjoy.

Your PT will discuss with you the goals of treatment and the expected course of your rehab.

Your performance therapist may start your plan of care after your initial assessment.

Final Assessment

This will always be an ongoing process as the athlete will constantly be entering or leaving various risk groups according to how the athlete is physically and mentally adapting to therapy.

The final assessment will consist of objective tests and measures that will provide an integrated understanding of the athlete’s current physical capabilities.

This will provide important criteria for determining whether the athlete can return to performance safely.

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